Havanna GSA
Havanna GSA is the second daughter of Hacendada CA and sired by Tarzano GSA. A perfect match of tall perfect morphologic, Lovera bloodline and functionality united with outstanding beauty.

Flavia GSA
Flavia GSA out of Victoria pure Escalera mare standing 168 cm and from father side 174 tall Bohorquez stallion Rumboso MIB campeon adulto 2015. A lot of famous names in her line combined with spectacular gaits and a perfect quadratic morphologic with a lot of type and temperament. sold after weaning 2021

Bambolera GSA
Top quality future show filly very tall super moving very baroque and double flaxen chestnut out of Hacendada CA and Paladin GSA

Padua GSA
Padua GSA - double flaxen chestnut filly - YM line daughter of Trajana YR and Paladin GSA

Trinidad GSA
Our most clever filly ever, she became the boss of the hole herd in one hour...Very elegant and spectacular elastic moveing filly, with very strong good shoulder short bag and dressage back hand, really the most incredible clever and sweet nature to imagine. She carrys one black one chestnut and one pearl Gene. YM and Cartusian lines.

Cuponera is an 2018 born filly out of very best bloodlines mainly Yeguada Militar and from mother side our beloved and special movement guarantee Binguero, which is very dominant in our line. She has outstanding movements a very complete morfologic with wonderful character her genetic code is as exclusive as her colour line too: ggeEaaPrlPrl. We bought her as stud owner fell instantly in love with her and every now and then there need to enter some new blood and we couldn´t have chosen better.

Topolina GSA
Tallest filly ever born at our stud, daughter of Tarzano GSA and Artista ( Nobleza del Guadiana )

Cupida GSA
Heavenly beautiful filly out of Tarzano GSA and Victoria ( Escalera ) she is the full sister of Tiberius GSA

Hebrea 4 year old 174 cm tall mare out of most wanted and exclusive bloodlines, all parents and grandparents and great granparents are calificado. Hebrea shows a lot of type movements and a short quadratic morphologic with an superb character sweet and very female.

Letizia XI
180 cm tall premium mare, Letizia XI is out of most famous calificado Miguel Bohorquez line, Lebrijano XLI ( calificado) out famous Trianero XXIV ( calificado) her calificada grandmother Andaluza XCIII is the mother of the calificado super mare of Yeguada ANDIC: Ingeniosa Mango, from mother side she is full of legendary names, her mother from Yeguada BIONEST is the sister of famous and actual and 2017 SICAB champion HEBREO BIO , Letizia´s dam side granfather is the also calificado legendary Limeno XXXII ( his grandmother is the mother of ELITE classified stallion Utrerano / father of actual wolrd champion 2018 ) and direct son of Olimpic star EVENTO( Elite graded only 3 horses worldwide ! ).Absolutly wonderful calm sweet character and very good gaits.

Victoria is for sale after weaning of her 2017 foal ( full brother or sister of Tiberius GSA ) she gave us two extra excellent foals and expecting her 3 for the stud that we need to sell her otherwise we are getting too close in our blood lines. Victoria is a very tall mare with a lot of bones and a top brood mare and mother. Outstanding bloodlines no colour breeding ! just quality.
Esta en venta despues de destetar en 2017 nos ha regalado dos potros de inmensa calidad, muchisima caja, alzada y lineas buenas, Escalera, YM y lineas Cartujanas no linea de capa PM. excelente yegua madre.

Bandolera is the grandmother of our mother line, she is the best mare we can imagine, the pure best morphologic, spectacular movements and character. Out of old and glorious bloodlines, such as SEÑORIO DE BARIAIN , PEDRO CEBALLOS ZUÑIGA Y GRAGERA, MARIN GARCIA, YM und BAONES GONZALEZ.She is daughter of a calificado mare out of Marin Garcia lines and granddaughter of the legendary Binguero. 5 Generations of top horses in our stud are coming from her.

Daba ist die reine Perfektion einer Stute ; sehr weiblich mit einem starkem Exterieur , schwebenden mit enormem Raumgriff ausgestatteten Gängen und einer beispiellosen Schönheit. Sie war bereits auf mehreren Morphologie contests erfolgreich und ist 2 fache Enkelin von Binguero darüber hinaus verfügt sie über das sehr seltene flaxen Gen,ihr Sohn aus 2013 steht zum Verkauf und ist ein enorm verheißungsvoller Dressurnachwuchs ,bildschön mit traumhaftem Charakter ( siehe Verkauf )

Montera, wonderful Sooty Chocolate Palomino mare, Cartusian and YM lines , very elevated straigt gaits. Of course no Paco Marti bloodlines in her not bred for colour , she proofed her qualities with her outstanding offspring.

Hacendada CA
Very heavy and fantastic moving brood mare out of the exclusive blood line Lovera.Her foal of FER Davinchi has been breathtaking, her movements extremly complete morfologic and super tall ( 152 cm with 4 month ) Hacendada stands 169 cm. Her second foal at our stud 2017 out of our champion " campeon joven " mejor movimientos jovenes " colt : Paladin GSA, ( Bambolera GSA ) is very tall and special, with the same qualities as her mother, she is confirmed in foal to Tarzano GSA for 2018

Artista - Nobleza del Guadiana
Artista out of the black Nobleza del Guadiana line, granddaughter of calificado stallion. She shows spectacular gaits and a very female traditional morphologic with a sensitive lovely character. Standing 163 cm

Lucera is out of one of the rarest colour carrying lines world wide, fatherside Lazo Diaz, Lovera and YM, mother side Cartusian and YM lines, no common blood lines like Carmelo, Pegaso and so on...She has a very functional morphologic, very heavy bones, perfect long neck line, not too short back, very good angulate backhand and a very wide chest. Lucera shows straight very elevated gaits. She carries one chestnut Gene as well.